Forthcoming article: Fukushima and radiation mapping
I’ve just finished my article for the OII Decade in Internet time conference that I’m really happy to be attending next week in Oxford, UK. My paper is about the role maps played in the Fukushima...
View ArticleThe Internet as a software: repurposing API for online research
This paper is freshly written after another three days escapade I had the pleasure to make at the Digital Methods Initiative at the University of Amsterdam. The title comes from a remark from Bernhard...
View ArticlePost-Fukushima Radiation Debate: Mapping The online Issue-Network
The release of nuclear radiation after the explosion of various reactors at the Fukushima I Power Plant triggered various actions from civil society: it involved scraping and refining data from...
View ArticleDe la réplicabilité des corpus de sites web
Lors du colloque Homeland Connections: E-Diasporas Atlas / A century of transnationalism clôturant le projet de recherche TIC et Migration, plusieurs points concernant la constitution et la...
View Article“Data science”, ou l’avénement des “sexy geeks”
Hal Varian, chief economist chez Google le disait déjà en 2009: I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians. People think I’m joking, but who would’ve guessed that computer...
View ArticleDatasprint, booksprint et post-scientometrics: une semaine à la Digital...
La semaine précédente s’est tenue la Winter School 2013 de la Digital Methods Initiative (DMI) de l’Université d’Amsterdam. Le thème de cette session 2013 a été “Data Sprint: The New Logistics of...
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